Welding Manufacturer
Germany introduced the certification requirements for manufacturers welding on railway vehicles some time ago, the applicant standard then being DIN 6700-2.
Since 2008, the European Standard governing the above mentioned area in all EU countries is EN 15085-2. It encompasses the demanded specifics concerning railway vehicles with requirements that are much more detailed than the series EN ISO 3834, for instance.
Normally, every ordering party demands that a company providing welding services, masters works in this delicate and specific area, which must be proved by holding a certificate of manufacture by authorized bodies. Further, requirements may differ, and depend mainly on weld performance class, as much as on product types: e.g., bogies, body shell components, vibration dampers racks…etc.
It is of grave importance that a certification body is part of the European system of uniform certification list, i.e., the on-line register, where buyers can check whether performers (contracting parties) comply with the standard’s requirements.
More information on the register, certified companies and parties carrying out certification may be obtained at: http://www.en15085.net/. Q Techna is a certification body for the mentioned area, authorized by national safety authority (AŽP – Public Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for Railway Transport). Being registered at the above mentioned European Association, it is authorized to certify companies, whereby the certificates are valid throughout the entire Europe.
Q Techna is a certification body for the mentioned area, authorized by national safety authority (AŽP – Public Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for Railway Transport). Being registered at the above mentioned European Association, it is authorized to certify companies, whereby the certificates are valid throughout the entire Europe.
+386 7 49 12 419
+386 41 215 267
+386 1 42 04 390
+386 1 42 04 392
+386 41 251 500
+386 7 49 12 439
+386 31 719 834
The certification process for welding procedures of is clearly defined; a customer should be acquainted with it beforehand.
Should you require additional information, please contact us. If necessary, we can come to your premises and further discuss the requirements and certification, with no obligation.
Head office
Q Techna d.o.o.
Cvetkova ulica 27
SI – 1000 Ljubljana
T: + 386 1 42 04 390
Branch office
Q Techna d.o.o.
Krško branch office
CKŽ 135E
SI – 8270 Krško
T: + 386 7 49 12 470