Welding Certification

Welding is a special process where the quality of a welded joint cannot be properly determined without destructive testing. Unfortunately, such testing destroys the weld and hence quality assurance procedures need to be applied which, together with the non-destructive examination, can reliably prove the required quality.

Inadequate welders and technology, as well as an incorrect systematic approach and consequently improper welding joint characteristics, can result in detrimental consequences.

Certified welders, welding procedures and companies, their production and the quality control of welding processes are but a prerequisite for proper initiation of welding work and are essential for the assurance of the quality and safety of welded products.

Q Techna is one of the leading bodies for certification of welders, welding and cutting procedures, as well as the welding production, based on its accreditation following SIST EN ISO 17024 and SIST EN ISO 17065. It employs a large number of welding experts with long-standing experience in production and control. They take part in conventional and nuclear power generation and the railway industry.

The welding certifications are carried out under either the European or the American standards, for products like machine components, steel structures, pressure vessels, pipelines, boilers, machines, etc.

mag. Ambrož Rožman

mag. Ambrož Rožman

+386 7 49 12 419
+386 41 215 267